In every divorce, including a DIYvorce, there are lots of important issues that need to be worked out. These include splitting up property, child custody, paying bills, and dividing debt. One of the essential elements in a divorce that involves kids will be child support. When they were together, both parents saw to the care and well-being of the child, both monetarily and emotionally. Or at least, that’s what we hope!

As parents get divorced, this will need to continue, but it’s going to be a little more complicated. Child support is meant to help equalize the child’s standard of living across two households. Even more important, it is meant to ensure the child continues to receive support and necessities in both households.

In the vast majority of cases, child support is paid to the parent who has more parenting time. In other words, the parent with whom the child lives the majority of the time usually gets the support. With that support, the parent is expected to provide food, shelter, utilities, and clothing. This means that the parent receiving support should not be requesting additional funds for school clothes or the grocery bill, because that’s what the child support is for.

If the child is too young to attend school, costs of daycare should be included in child support calculations. Most of the time the courts assign those costs in proportion to each parent’s income. In a DIYvorce the goal is to work out payment levels that make sense for both parents and always keep the child’s best interests in mind. Child support is not intended to cover optional child care requirements, such as a babysitter for a night out.

Medical care is another important issue. Parents need to figure out who will provide health insurance for the child (and pay the premiums) and how to divide those as well as copays, prescription drugs, and other health care costs for the child. Note that for medical expenses, typically one parent will pays and then requests reimbursement from the other parent for the share that he or she owes. Those copays and drugs are not covered in basic child support kamagra jelly sverige.

If you need help sorting out child support amounts or other agreements, contact your DIYvorce representative.

Deciding to get a divorce is hard.

And then it seems to just get harder. But it doesn’t have to be that way anymore.

DIYvorce was created by Minnesota divorce attorneys who know that people need a path to their divorce that doesn’t require thousands of dollars and months of fighting. But they also need to know their divorce is done correctly, and that it resolves the couple’s disagreements.

DIYvorce is an easy-to-use path for for couples who are ending their marriage:

You work through a secure online interview to gather information.

You get helpful information about issues to consider as you work out how to legally part.

You have the opportunity to consult with legal professionals along the way. Your questions will be answered and you can be confident about your final divorce and the documents.